Actress Melissa McCarthy was born on August 26, 1970 in Plainfield, Illinois and was raised on her family’s corn and soybean farm. She began her performing career as a stand-up comedian in New York, where she appeared at clubs including Stand Up New York and The Improv. She worked on developing her acting skills at The Actors Studio and appeared in many stage productions in the city before moving to Los Angeles in the late-1990s. Amazingly adept at comedy, Ms. McCarthy co-starred in the Gilmore Girls (2000), then Samantha Who? (2001), then became a TV star with Mike and Molly (2010).
In films, Melissa McCarthy became known for her wonderful starring role in Bridesmaids (2011) and she destroyed all those misconceptions that women can’t be funny and that women can’t take on leading roles in action films, because she did both in The Heat (2013), Spy (2015) and Ghostbusters (2016),The Kitchen (2019) and Superintelligence (2019). It was Melissa McCarthy who helped re-invent the action comedy, the buddy movie, and the comedy sci-fi blockbuster. She can do straight comedy and easily proved that she could out-Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger in action and with droll one-liners. When she moved from television to feature films, where she gained huge recognition for Bridesmaids, she soon became an unstoppable force.
Artemis Women in Action Film Festival 2017 honored Melissa McCarthy with the Artemis Action Powerhouse Award because she can kicking ass and make us laugh at the same time.